
Datasources in Docusnap365 define extracted and processed data from various inventory sources. They serve as a structured foundation for reporting, API queries, and analysis by aggregating relevant information efficiently.

Available Datasource Endpoints

TypeDescriptionAPI Endpoint
DatasourcesRetrieve a list of all available datasources/api/v2/datasources
Datasource DetailsGet detailed information about a specific datasource/api/v2/datasources/{id}

Retrieve Datasource Information

Use the following API requests to interact with datasources:

GET /api/v2/datasources
GET /api/v2/datasources/{id}

These datasources provide a structured way to access extracted data for reports and API queries.

Important Note: Large Data Handling

Docusnap365 REST API is optimized for structured queries and analysis.
Due to data transfer limitations, some large datasources may not be fully retrievable.

If you encounter any issues, please contact Docusnap.